Sunday, March 27, 2011

Lost his marble

The other night Mason was trying to reenact a scene from the movie "Fantastic Mr. Fox." There is this scene where one of the characters takes a tube of some sort and shoots blueberries out of it by blowing in the tube, kind of similar to shooting spit balls out of a straw. Well he took a stray marble from one of our games and then used the vacuum attachment as his shooter. I was in the kitchen and did not see what happened next. Dave says he was unsuccessful at shooting the marble out the attachment, so he needed to analyze the problem. With the marble still in place, he pointed the attachment toward the ceiling to see what may have been the problem. Well, down slid the marble at full speed into Mason's open mouth, down his throat, and into his stomach. A loud gulp was heard, along with the words from Dave "You swallowed the marble didn't you?" I was in a bit of a panic while hearing this, but Mason was calm as could be and said "yep." Dave laughed it off and went back to what he was doing while I speed dialed the clinic line to see if he needed to be brought in. Because of his age, the lady on the line said he should go to the ER. So, my reluctant hubby got ready and away they went. Within the hour, the two were back with the x-ray. Dave explained that my cool as a cucumber son was asked "Can you see it?"  and he said non shaulantly, pointing to the x-ray "Yep, there it is. That's the purple marble I swallowed." I asked Mason if he knew how the marble was going to get out of his tummy and he starting coughing and said "Um yeah, I'm just gonna cough it out of my mouth." I explained that he would have to poop it out and I think it took some time for him to digest that thought.
The next day was the big day. He was sure he seen it in the toilet, but Dave said it stunk so bad in there that he needed to flush the toilet and didn't feel it necessary to stand and examine. Mason was disappointed that Dave did that, but I sure do not blame him! Here's to hoping we don't need to make anymore trips to the ER, at least anytime soon.

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