Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mama's Day

It's been a fabulous Mother's Day so far and can only get better! I woke up to Mason tapping my shoulder telling me I needed to get up because they made breakfast for me. He proceeded to give me a hug and a kiss and said, "Happy Valentines Day Mom." How cute is that?! I get out of bed and walk to the kitchen as Dave tells me I was suppose to stay in bed so he could bring me breakfast in bed. Ahhh so nice, but would be eating my breakfast as I fed Brinlee. Such a sweet thought and gesture. Beautiful white and red tulips were brightening up the kitchen table and 3 of the sweetest cards were also awaiting me. Lilah's card had what looked to be a heart drawn on it, but when I inquired about the darling shape, she said "No that's a circle." Of course it is! Haha! Tonight Dave is going to make NY strips and crab legs and he even got a bottle of wine too! What more can a girl ask for?

Today is a special day to acknowledge the special women in our lives who have influenced us in so many ways. My mom is an amazing women. She is kind, caring, empathetic, and strong. She has taught me to find a career that I will love. I have seen her work more hours than anyone I know just to keep her head a float. She is the hardest working lady I know and has never thrown her arms up through all the exhaustion and stress. Some of my favorite memories of us are:
At BeeBee Lake, she was sitting on a hill near the beach and I wanted to show her how far I could go in the water. I would call out her name until she acknowledged me and then would take a step back, each time pushing my luck. I had just tip-toed my last step when I saw her start to run down the hill toward me in her flared leg jeans. I remember seeing the green, thick colored water staring me back in the face as I calmly waited for my mother to pull me up to fresh air. I wasn't scared at all. I remember she sat my butt down in the sand and told me in frustration to "stay there." I didn't mind. She saved my life : )
Another memory of us was when her and my dad were still married. I only know this because the scene took place at the house they had built together. Otherwise I really don't barely have any memories of them together since I was so young when they seperated. I remember she drove this green colored hatch back and I also remember red on the hood or maybe the side panel. Anyways, I was sitting in the passenger seat and leaning on her as she let me put my hand on the steering wheel to "help" steer. This was such a big deal and I felt so big!
I remember her coming to my rescue and picking me up from my Grandma Kasper's house as I came home from kindergarten and nobody was home. I was so scared and it began to rain. My mom came to get me and when I got to her house, I warmed up in my little red rocking chair that grandpa made with a fresh change of clothes and a blanket draped around my back.
She always bought my sister and I a treat when it was her weekend to have us. There was these bracelet type things made from colored pantie hose that she got us one weekend and boy was that cool! We would also walk to Tom Thumb in hanover and get chicken drumsticks, Burpee drinks, or fruit snacks.
Oh and the Halloween blizzard in 1991. Who can forget that? She walked with my sister and I through the storm when all the other kids were heading in. As the snow piled on the streets, we kept trudging forward as my mom sang, "Oh the weather outside is frightful." That was the first time I had heard that song and always think of her and that night when its playing.
Mom is not one to mess with. If the neighbor kids were being mean to us, mom would stomp down the stairs, open the screen door, and yell across the yard at them. You almost wished she didn't know that your feelings were hurt because she wasn't gonna let us be bullied and everyone around would know that!
As I got older, she was my listening ear. I remember that I would go on and on about a story and she could barely keep her eyes open after a long day of working 2 jobs. I would just keep blabbing and didn't mind if she responded cause I just wanted to talk. Imagine that!
One of the most selfless things she did was let me help her with cleaning jobs when I dislocated my knee and couldn't waitress. She gave me most of her earnings from those jobs even though money was tight for her. I don't know how I would've gotten through that time without her help.
One of the greatest things mom has taught me was to always be kind to the people who aren't "cool." Mom would tell us stories about being teased as a kid and how awful it felt. I have made sure to not take part in any teasing and tried to make everyone around feel included because of her stories.

My step-mom, Patti, has been a big influence on me also. Without her, I don't think I would have made it to or through college. She guided me and helped me get into the nursing program and also helped me apply for scholarships. I learned a lot about responsibility through her. She has helped me figure out finances and is always willing to help out if we are ever in a bind. She has given helpful advice in all sorts of situations. I am truly grateful that she is in my life and thankful for the guidance she has given.