Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Are you done?

Are you done? I get that question a lot now that my 3rd child is born. It's a pretty easy one, but yet not so much. I never like saying yes because it's not entirely true. So, I must go on to explain our plans for the future so not to leave out the fact that we in fact are not "done." You see, ever since I can remember, I've wanted to adopt. I swear if I could have, I would have adopted when I was in kindergarten. I've always liked the idea of caring for someone who needed me. I suppose that's part of the reason I became a nurse. In my senior year of high school we were asked to write a letter to ourselves that we would read 5 years from graduating to see how much we have changed. I wrote that as a part of my life plan, I wanted to adopt. It's just always been a part of my plan. So, when I get asked if I am done, the answer is no. I am done being pregnant, but plan to adopt in a few years. I have to include that in my answer because essentially there is another human being who is going to be just as much a part of this family whether they grew inside of me or not. So, I am explaining that answer quite often and probably will be for a while as people are curious and to me it cannot be answered as just yes or no. If I say no we are not done, people will think I'm going to be knocked up again, but if I say yes we are done then that means they think our family is complete.
I look forward to the day that we adopt. Many wonder where will we adopt from and how old will this person be. I haven't the slightest idea. I am trusting that God will guide us when it is time and until then try not to think about the details too much. There are too many children out there without good homes and it would be an honor to be able to provide a loving home to one of them.
Then, people wonder if we have permanently done anything to make sure we are no longer going to get pregnant. That ones an easy one to answer. The answer is no. I'm a "what if" thinking kindof girl and you just never know what can happen in the future, so if something tragic were to happen, and lets not get to detailed here, I would hate to no longer be able to have the ability or Dave to have the ability to have more children. 
I don't mind the questions, but I sometimes wonder if people wish they didn't ask since they get more of an answer than anticipated.

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