Sunday, April 10, 2011

Kids say the darndest things!

Lilah LOVES books. I love reading to her too. I was reading her a book with animal sounds and really enunciated the farm animal sounds. We were having our little moment, she was giggling as I really gave my all with the "oink oink" and "quack quack" noises. As we were in the zone, I heard Mason from the background saying "That's too loud. That's too loud on my ears." Taking a brief moment to see what the fuss was about, I replied, "What's too loud?"  As he walked past me, he casually looks over and says, "Ummm, your mouth." Thanks Mase.....

My mom came over to watch the kids last evening as Dave and I went to April and Dan's wedding. Thank God we are so lucky to have parents so available and willing to help watch the kids so we can have one less thing to worry about while out and about. When we came home from the wedding, my mom reported that all went pretty well, minus the usual Mason and Lilah tiffs over toys. She said that Lilah came up to her and said "I need my diaper changed." She was going to change Lilah's diaper and before doing so, she told Lilah that she should go potty on the potty chair. Lilah looks at her and says, "Nooo." So, mom says, "Mason goes potty on the potty chair. He's a big boy, aren't you Mason." Mason says "Yep." Then mom says, "Don't you want to be a big girl?" Lilah says, "No." Mom says, "Why not?" Lilah says, "Because I want to be Lilah." She sure is stubborn and I'm not sure I can convince her that she can still be Lilah and be a big girl since this is the second time she's said this...

Mason was upset yesterday because he wanted 2 pillows that Lilah was laying on. The thing is, we have 5 of these exact same pillows, but he decided to make a battle and tried to take the ones she had. So, Dave told him to leave Lilah's pillows alone and tried to calm the situation by giving Mason other pillows. Mason was upset and started stomping and punching the pillows. Dave says, " Are you mad now?" While pouting, Mason says "No." Dave says, "Are you gonna hit the pillow?" Mason a little bit louder says "No." Dave says, "Are you gonna stomp your feet?" With frustration Mason replies, "No." Dave says, "Do you need a hug?" Mason as if defeated says "Yeah." Sometimes its as simple as that!

Dave had taken Mason on a dirt bike ride and the next day Mason says, "Hey dad, wanna go for a rip?"

Brinlee is only 2 days away from being 5 months old. I've decided to try and not rush her age by saying "almost 5 months." If she's 4 months and 28 days, then to me, she is still 4 months. She is getting stronger and actually strengthening her little legs by jumping up and down in her jumper. She is also able to sit up pretty good with some assistance. My favorite things that she's doing right now is her vocalization. She's trying to talk and I am using every opportunity to embed the words "mama" in her head. We shall see if she will be the first out of our 3 to say mama instead of dada first. She also loves kisses and will plant her voluptuous cheeks on our lips. She's such a sweetie! The smiles are coming more freely which is a nice bonus. Lovin her sweetness!

Mason and Lilah getting along

Brinlee caught in a smile!

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