Lilah is my spunky girl. She always has been. I remember when we were in the hospital after her birth, I could hear her screams down the hall because she was ready to eat. There was nothing gradual about when she got mad. It was all or none. On the morning we were suppose to go home, I walked to the nursery window and the nurse was trying to get her blood pressures, but Lilah wasn't having it. She was beet red in the face and screaming with all her might. As you know, I work in the nursery and there are things that we can do to try and calm a baby so we can get accurate blood pressures, like use a pacifier dipped in sugar water to soothe them, but not my girl. She wanted to eat right then. So, the blood pressures had to wait and out to me she came.
After her feeding, she went back to the nursery to get blood pressures. While she was in there, the PCT came to my room with a bag of Lilah's clothes. Turns out Lilah had projectile pooped all over everything, her clothes, her crib, her blanket. To be honest, I had changed hundreds of diapers, but never heard of projectile poop, so it was a little hard to picture what had happened. Fast forward a couple days later. We were at home and I was changing Lilah's already poopy diaper. Well, before I could get her clean diaper on, out shoots this fountain of poop, all over the changing table, and onto the carpet a couple feet away. I was shocked and panicked! I guess she would show me the true definition of projectile poop!
I guess when I think of who my kids are, it seems that their little personalities were already formed before they were born. From the first day of life Lilah was spunky. Mason was sensitive and it showed with his quivering lip. Brinlee is quiet and content. I know these personalities will be shaped by life experiences, but how amazing is it that if we really tune in, we can get to know who they are within hours of life. I think there are somethings that we cannot change about ourselves, somethings that just make us who we are from the very beginning. Although there are many things around us that we can control, perhaps this "personality" we see is a glimpse into our spirit.
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