All the family was asleep while I pulled out the cereal from the pantry in a somewhat groggy state. After I poured my Captain Crunch Berries and poured the cold milk in the bowl, I heard the maraca at the bottom of the stairs shake. Usually something like this would freak me out considering I felt alone being the only one awake, but surprisingly I was relaxed while trying to rationalize what could have caused the maraca to shake. After not coming up with much justification, I went to grab my bowl of cereal when I heard the maraca shake again. "Ok, I bet one of the kids woke up and they are slowly making their way up the stairs" I thought. So I went down to check, only to hear their snores and see them sound asleep. Hmmm, no doubt that the maraca shook. I heard it 2 separate times. It was as if the first time it happened, I brushed it off as maybe I was imagining it, but then it happened a couple minutes later, as if to say, "yep you heard that all right." I don't know if it's because I'm in such a good place spiritually that it doesn't scare me, but I really was not bothered by it.
When I was little, I had an intense fear of ghosts. My grandparents lived near an abandoned "haunted house" and when I was around 6 yo my dad, my sister, and I lived with them which is when I believe my fear of ghosts was heightened. I would go to bed with my head barely peaking out of my blankets with my body so tense that even my breathing made me nervous. I didn't want to disturb the ghosts that I was sure were around. Never did I see any or have any weird things happen, but I walked around the farm with a thick cloud of fear especially when I was alone. I even walked around in my brown rubber boots and a spray bottle filled with water so I could randomly spray the air, thinking it would disintegrate them, if in fact I felt like a ghost was near! Many nights I would wake up screaming from nightmares that, to this day, I can remember. It was awful! It sounds crazy to most, I know, but this was my "reality."
My mom said that when her and my dad were together, they lived in an old house that she had no doubt was haunted, especially on the upper level. She refused to go up there and on the day that they finally moved out, she said my no-nonsense uncles who helped her move, also felt that something was upstairs which scared them as they helped her move.
There have been random strange things that happen in my house and have been happening every once in a while since we moved in. It was a brand new house, so I'm not sure if it is the land and who was on it prior to us or if it's someone who's past on and knows us that comes to visit. Things like doors closing, loud bangs from unattended areas, and things falling from the counter when no one was near them. Even with my history of fear as a child, I don't have a sense of worry when these things happen here. My gut either feels safe or I try to rationalize and push the event out of my mind so I can continue to live here! Haha!
It makes me wonder if Mason senses something more when he goes to bed because for almost 2 years he fought going to bed in his room downstairs. My daughter, Lilah, on the other hand, has no problem going down to bed and will even ask to be put to bed! Lately he has been going to bed a lot better than he used to which makes me feel better. He is a lot like me in many ways and I'd hate for him to feel the fear that I used to have.
Who knows what causes these strange things to happen? Nobody can really discount what you hear or see because these things did in fact happen, but people can question or believe whatever they want when it comes to why these things happen. With any explanation, I trust my gut more than ever and believe that whatever it is that is causing the unusual sounds and movements, it isn't meant to scare us.